Currently, the Department of Sociology is more than 20 years old. Hundreds of alumni have spread throughout Indonesia and even abroad. Various jobs have been successfully achieved by them. These jobs include teachers, bank employees, civil servants in the regional and municipal governments, NGOs, successful entrepreneurs, village heads, CSR staff in large companies, journalists, lecturers, and members of the DPR. This shows that sociology has provided meaningful knowledge and field experience for the development of alumni potential. Some of the following alumni stories are examples of success that are expected to be a positive mirror for new students to always have a strong Achievement (achievement drive) for the achievement of their desires in the future.
1. Dean Maulana, S.Sos (Class of 2010, before graduation on September 6, 2014 has been accepted in the CSR division of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia)
The final semester was full of challenges and experiences, this challenge began with a course that required students to be directly involved in the world of work (PKL). As a student at first this is a scary program to apply, because it is plunging and dealing directly with the world of work. The PKL process starts from students choosing a company that will be used as a PKL place. After choosing, we then come into contact with the world of work. I was placed in the CSR division of Pelabuhan Indonesia III.
Field work practice brought my fate and luck, before graduation there was a job vacancy at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia. I sent an application. I eagerly followed the selection process. During the interview selection, I got questions like this. What is your experience that makes you dare to apply to this company? I immediately shared my experience in CSR or PKBL. After that, the selection continued and the results were not in vain. I managed to get the job that I had been dreaming of with effort and hard work. I was placed in the CSR Division, which suited my passion, especially since my PKL and thesis were all about CSR.
Without realizing it, the mandatory course has become a blessing for me. Just do Field Work Practice wholeheartedly, because without realizing it we are processing in the world of work and initiating our thoughts about the real reality of work. Don't be afraid to make changes, try new things and accept big challenges in our lives. Because that's what has changed my personality and fate so far. Starting with the PKL experience, it also ended with the work that I used to do during PKL.
2. Edo, S.Sos (Class of 2010, one day after graduation immediately got a test call and about 1 month later was accepted to work)
Alhamdulillah, I was able to graduate in 3.5 years. It was a tough struggle to do that, because there were two important tasks that had to be done for 4 months (October 2013 to January 2014), namely completing PKL and making PKL reports and at the same time having to write a thesis. There was no time without being friendly with a laptop. I am sure that with a strong will, everything can be done. In the end, my hard work ended beautifully. In February 2014 I graduated.
Blessings seemed to continue to overshadow me, how could I not, the Saturday of graduation, the Monday had received a test call from Bank Danamon. I passed test after test, both written and interview. Finally, I passed and was entitled to participate in banking education for 1 month in Bogor. After that, I experienced the real work at Bank Danamon. For 5 months I tasted the atmosphere of Bank Danamon. My passion for working in a bank led me to take a test at another bank, BRI. Alhamdulillah, I have been working at Bank BRI Martadinata Branch Malang for about 1 month and have been assigned to Ampelgading Unit Malang as a Customer Service. Never be inferior to being a UMM sociology student, when we have pride in the majors we choose, at that time we are actually planting extraordinary passions for our future desires.
3. Sri Rahmiyati, S.Sos (Class of 2003, no teaching certificate but a permanent teacher at the prestigious high school owned by the Paiton Electricity Company in Probolinggo, Tunas Luhur High School)
I never imagined that I would become an educator. That's because I didn't have a teaching certificate (at the time, it was a powerful weapon to have a career in education even though I didn't graduate from FKIP). After graduating, I ventured to apply for a job as a teacher. This was actually a gamble too, because I applied to be a teacher at a school owned by a large company, the Paiton Electricity Company. The name of the school was Tunas Luhur High School. Of course, the standards they wanted were high, as evidenced by the number of students accepted not being too many, the hope being that the learning process could run more conducively. With no deed in hand, my feet stepped lightly towards the school. Dag dig dug too, can you not be accepted just by relying on a Bachelor's diploma without the main weapon of teaching certificate. The shadow of not being accepted is certainly hanging over the head. Just surrender, the most important thing is to try.
God always has scenarios that humans never expect. I was actually accepted very openly by them. The school actually needed a sociology teacher who actually graduated from S1 Sociology, not S1 from Sociology, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. For them, pure sociology S1 graduates will be able to provide sociology teaching in the depth of sociological substance. This is the extraordinary blessing that I feel. In the end I was able to become a Sociology Teacher even though I did not have a teaching certificate and was not from the FKIP sociology. My next responsibility is to apply my sociology knowledge as a depth of sociology substance in a simpler space, namely my students at Tunas Luhur High School, Paiton, Probolinggo. There is an extraordinary feeling of happiness, when two of my students whom I advised to enter the UMM Sociology S1 turned out to be now UMM Sociology students who could perform well. Allah will always give us a good scenario, when we are committed to our choices and make our every action a blessing and end with a manifestation of gratitude to Him. Amien.
4. Sabilla Amirulloh, M.Si (PNS Teacher at MAN Kota Batu & Coordinator of East Java Anthropology MGMP)
Never regretting entering the UMM Sociology study program is the most appropriate sentence for me to express. Before graduating from college, I had become a Permanent Foundation Teacher (GTY) at a well-known Boarding School in Malang. Alhamdulillah, I can't stop praising Allah Swt when I graduated in the same year I was also accepted as a Civil Servant (PNS} according to my ideals, without any obstacles at all, so smoothly, so smoothly, I feel very lucky to have chosen to study at Sociology UMM. After working, I happened to be placed at MAN Kata Batu teaching Sociology subjects. The knowledge I got at Sociology UMM was also very useful. Many concepts that are not known and understood by other Sociology teachers I understand first. This brought blessings in the form of trust to become administrators in the East Java provincial level teacher organization, and was trusted to be a resource person / presenter in several teacher activities at the East Java provincial level. The knowledge I got at Sociology UMM also made it easier for me to pass the selection of the National Saal Writer of the Education Assessment Center (Puspendik) Kemdikbud in 2018/2019 and the National Standardized School Examination Saal Writer of East Java Province 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. Thank you Sociology UMM, may it always be successful, we are proud of you and never regret studying in the UMM Sociology Study Program.
5. Sarip Hidayatulloh, S.Sos (Comdev. Officer at Public Government Affair Division, Kangean Energy Indonesia, Ltd)
Studying at Sociology UMM made me learn a lot about how to interact with many people. I also learned how to read the characteristics of a community or group, so that I can intervene, become part of the group and even develop it. After studying until semester 6, I was given the opportunity by the UMM Sociology Study Program to hone my knowledge with field work practice. I had the opportunity to do my PKL at Kangean Energy Indonesia, an oil and gas company with challenging work. Through this PKL program, I finally discovered how to build a society or community in the real world of work. As a result, after graduating, I was given a wide path to work there. Now, I have taken part optimally in Kangean Energy Indonesia with the knowledge of Sociology that I got from studying in the Sociology Study Program of FISIP UMM.
6. Zulfa Indah Permatasari, S.Sos (Frontliner at BRI Malang Branch)
Sociology in my opinion is an education that explores the science of society, various things in life can be learned and understood after getting to know the world of Sociology. Here we can learn basic things in life and make a person who is able to understand individual characters, various kinds of conflicts and find solutions. Most importantly for me, I am now able to become an individual who has the ability to adapt well to the surrounding environment, both individually and in groups. We can get it if we want to know and study Sociology.
7. Catur Argo Wibowo, S.Sos (Entrepreneur, Team Leader of Call Center Telkomsel, Surabaya)
The science and knowledge I got from the Department of Sociology FISIP, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, really help me much in doing my jobs as a leader. The Department of Sociology FISIP UMM is the right choice to prepare entering the job world. It is because the theory and the practice are useful to develop social and industrial relations.
8. Norman Cahyadi, S.Sos (Management Trainee in an Automotive Company)
Sociology FISIP University of Muhammadiyah Malang is the best.
9. Indah Romadhoni, S.Sos (A Teacher in SMAN or State High Scool in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan)
Sociology provided many benefits for me, among others, the well prepared teaching-learning atmosphere so that the students could be maximal in absorbing the lessons, a mature planned practical training course/Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) which really concerned to understand phenomena especially in companies, the systematic-programmed teaching certificate led to the rising of creative process when we were doing PPL in SMA. Alhamdulillah, I am now joining tens of PNS sociology teachers at senior high school who came from Sociology Department FISIP University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Thank you....."
10. Mar'atus Sholikhah, S.Sos (Teacher in SMAN or State High School 6 Malang, East Java)
The Spirit of local autonomy demands teachers with Bachelor title from Undergraduate Program of Sociology.
11. Galuh Diajeng Wulandari, S.Sos (Civil Servant in the Department of Data Analysis in Batu City Government, East Java)
The experience of having many research-oriented courses at the Department of Sociology FISIP helps my recent job in Data Analysis Department.
12. Muhammad Dipo Islam, S.Sos (Teacher at an SMAN or State High School in Probolinggo, East Java)
Alhamdulillah, the Department of Sociology FISIP, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, taught me a professional teaching skill. Thank you!