On Saturday, August 3, 2019, the Alumni Association of the Department of Sociology FISIP Muhammadiyah University of Malang has experienced revitalization with the inauguration of a new board and discussion of work programs for the next 3 years. The alumni association was formed to attract sociology alumni spread throughout Indonesia. Initially coordinated by Luluk Dwi Kumalasari, M.Si and continued by Aditya Danan Rosyidin, M.Si. Currently, the alumni association is in the process of improving the system, management, organization and excellent work programs.
The Alumni Association of the Department of Sociology FISIP Muhammadiyah University of Malang is now chaired by Sabila Amirulloh, M.Si, an alumnus of class 2004. The following is the composition of the management of the Alumni Association of the Department of Sociology FISIP UMM for the 2019 - 2022 Period:
Advisor: Rachmad K. Dwi Susilo, MA., Ph.D
Muhammad Hayat, MA
Chairman: Sabilla Amirulloh, M.Si
Secretary: Aditya Danan Rosyidin, M.Si
Treasurer: Mochamad Aan Sugiharto, M.Sosio
Cooperation Division: Catur Argo Wibowo, S.Sos.
Galuh Diajeng Wulandari, S.Sos.
Afandy Tri Nugraha, S.Sos
Bidang Publikasi: Awan Setia Dharmawan, M.Si.
Rajih Arraki', S.Sos.
Wienda Ika Prasetyoningtyas, S.Sos.
Fajar Satria Ramadhan, S.Sos.
Alumni association activities are directed towards Silaturrahmi, Existence, Synergy and Contribution or can be called SiESiB. The following is the explanation:
Because this social group consists of alumni of Sociology FISIP UMM who have spread to various parts of the archipelago, the basis of this activity is to establish friendship. An example of a silaturrahmi agenda is organizing an alumni gathering once a year, and collecting alumni data regularly;
A group is said to exist if its existence is recognized and known by the public. Publishing activities are important to make this vision of existence become real. For example, by visiting alumni and organizing social activities, etc.;
Every activity carried out by the alumni association must be known and approved by the department of Sociology. Cooperation with HMJ Sociology UMM must be intensified;
We hope that this alumni association can provide input to the Study Program in the form of thoughts and activities. Contributions are targeted to alumni, department of Sociology, and active students. Examples of agendas that can be organized are book writing and publishing training with HMJ and or sociology students.
In the very first Meeting held right after the inauguration, several work programs were born as follows:
1. Inspiration Lecture
2. Sociology Refresher for High School Teachers
3. Alumni Silaturrahim Forum
4. Sociology Expo (Cooperation of Sociology Study Program FISIP UMM, Sociology Alumni Association FISIP UMM & HMJ Sociology FISIP UMM)
5. Alumni in Social Media
Hopefully in the future, Alumni will be more synergized and closer in friendship. Aamiin...