
Welcome to the Official Website of the Department of Sociology
The University of Muhammadiyah Malang

The Department of Sociology builds on its historical connections to Indonesian social studies and further develops the ideas and thinking for today's world. Develop a uniquely insightful approach to the investigation of local community and humanities alongside faculty and students who conduct sociological studies and critical inquiry that engages with academic communities around the globe.


Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang opened the Department of Sociology with the sociology of industry studies focus and registered proven by the letter of decision from the General Directorate of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia with number 445/DIKTI/Kep/1998.


Department of Sociology reached B Accreditation based on BAN-PT (Indonesia's Higher Education Institution Accreditation Affair)'s decision with number 015/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S1/VII/2007.


The Department of Sociology UMM has been successfully accredited by BAN-PT as A level based on with number 4093/SK/x/2017.


Our institutional achievement has become excellent and better since we have been granted outstanding accreditation from BAN-PT as Akreditasi Unggul based on BAN-PT's decision letter Number 10585/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/IX/2021. The Department of Sociology FISIP UMM could give prospective education for the youth generation of our nation. 

Vision of the Department of Sociology:

 Becoming an excellent institution for human liberation based on Islamic values through sociological studies and social development.

Mission of the Department of Sociology: 

1. Organizing education and teaching activities in the field of sociology in order to generate alumni with good ability in understanding, explaining, and applying theories as well as methodology to solve social issues;

2. To conduct social research by implementing theories and methodologies in resolving social problems;

3. To organize community development which is oriented to human liberation based on Islamic values in order to lead to the empowerment for social welfare;

4. To build mutual collaboration teamwork either internally or among institution in order to increase each educational institution's quality, so that it can be a best practice in elevating society's welfare.

 The Department of Sociology emphasizes theoretically-informed case study, social survey, digital survey, ethnographic and interpretive inquiries into the significant social issues of our times in local and national contexts. The department is an intellectual hub of scholarship and academic life for students, faculty members, and visitors from many countries.

From Muhammadiyah for the National Building
Joint Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
University of Muhammadiyah Malang!
For further information, call-center +62 341 464318 Ext. 200 & 133
E-mail:, Instagram: @sosiologifisip_umm