Mochamad Aan Sugiharto, M.Sosio

Name: Mochamad Aan Sugiharto, M.Sosio

Place and Date of Birth: Bojonegoro, on October 7, 1987

Position: Assistant Professor

Bachelor Degree: Sociology, State University of Surabaya (UNESA)

Master Degree: Sociology, Airlangga University (UNAIR)

Research Interests: Urban Sociology, Transportation

Aan's Work:

- "Survival Strategy of Rangkah's Graveyard Living Immigrant in Surabaya".

- "The Perception of University of Muhammadiyah Malang's Students Regarding to Traffic Jam in Malang City"

Community Service:

- The Guidance of Smart Utilization of Social Media for Muhammadiyah Elementary School Parent's in Lawang

- Email:

- Whatsapp 081210111187

- Google Scholar: Google Scholar