Awan Setia Dharmawan, M.Si

Name: Awan Setia Dharmawan, M.Si

Place and Date of Birth: Malang, 19th of November 1991

Position: Assistant Professor

Bachelor Degree: Sociology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)

Master Degree: Sociology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)

Awan's Works:

- "Conflict Between Community and Company (A Case Study of Community's Action in Fighting Againts Pollution in Sukun, Ciptomulyo, East Java - Indonesia)".

- "Social Movement Dynamics in Going Against Throwing Leatherworks' Waste (A Descriptive Study in Ciptomulyo, Malang - East Java)".


Awan's Google Scholar

See Awan's Curriculum Vitae